CES 2024: Capitalizing on Clean Battery Power Through Safety (Livestream)
Life in Progress: Capitalizing on Clean Battery Power Through Safety, presented by ULSE
Tuesday, January 9, 2:00 – 2:40 PM PST | W232, West Hall, Las Vegas Convention Center
Rechargeable batteries are everywhere. The panel addresses new safety risks to protect market growth and confidence, with standards as a solution.
- Sayon Deb, Director, Quantitative Insights, UL Standards & Engagement (Moderator)
- Dr. David Steel, Executive Director, UL Standards & Engagement (Moderator)
- Dr. Denice Durrant, Director, Engineering and Data Science, UL Standards & Engagement
- Sean DeCrane, Director, Fire Fighter Health and Safety Operational Services, IAFF (International Association of Fire Fighters)
CES Livestream Link:
West Level 2
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